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In pakistan on intermediate level this object named as health and physical education is teaching on college level this object has many benefit so here i am giving this subject in pdf so that the student can download it and learn from it this subject is in urdu language so this is the native language of pakistan so everybody can understand it and it is very favorable for students that he can learn the particular skills of health and physical education so i am giving to download it so you guys can download this subject very easily. The subject curriculum is designed by the punjab textbook board lahore so everybody can read it according to their boards and he can learn it it is the core subject so this is the main subject that can provide basic health and fundamental issues of our body so that we can understand it very easily make sure to read this subject from start to end so there is a brief guide is given at the start of the introduction and the table of contents are available it can help you to learn more about the main content that is provided by Punjab textbook board and this book will be very helpful for the Teachers even that you you understand it at first time you will be able to learn many things from this book this book can be read as a general knowledge or as well as for the preparation of the competitive exams so this will help you to understand the core of Health and physical education.
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