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Problems and Solutions of the Education System in Pakistan in 2022


Educational system in Pakistan

Education is an important factor in human being development and the essential right of every inhabitant of Pakistan. Education is measured to be intimately connected to the monetary and social development of a country. Without extensive assets in human resources, no nation can achieve sustainable financial development.

Failures of our education system

 In essence, two educational systems are common in Pakistan: the Education system based on traditional religion and the modern formal education system started under the British monarchy and continued after the independence of the country.

Both systems are financed by the department of education, while the analysis by the government of standards in the current education sector is far stricter than for the madras. Since the late 1970s, with the increasing Islamization of Pakistan's polity and society, the management of the traditional institutions has been efficient both at the administrative district and the federal levels by the mullahs.

What is the Education system?

The system of education considers all establishment that are active in delivering conventional education and their mental faculty, students, physical structure, resources and concept. In a wide definition the system also includes the institutions that are directly involved in financing, managing, operating or control such institutions. The rules and modulate that guide the individual and institutional action within the set up are also part of the education scheme.

Educational system in Pakistan

 The education system of Pakistan open up 260,903 institutions and is serve 41,018,384 students with the help of 1,535,461 teachers. The system includes 180,846 public organization and 80,057 private institutions. Hence 31% educational institutes are effort by the private sector while 69% are public sector.

Inspection of educational system in Pakistan

Pakistan has declared its commitment to encourage education and skill in the country by education policies at foreign level and feat involved into international sincerity on education. In this regard national education policies are the imagination which suggest plan of action to increase literacy rate, capability building, and intensify installation in the schools and educational institutes. MDGs and EFA programmers are global cooperation of Pakistan for the publicity of literacy.


A revaluation of the education system of Pakistan propose that there has been little consequence in Pakistan’s schools since 2010, when the 18th Correction enclose education as a basic human right in the formation. Problems of approach, quality, structure and inequality of possibility, remain native.

 Importance of educational system in Pakistan

Education is an important cause in human progress and the basic right of every citizen of Pakistan. Education is reasoned to be closely related to the economical and social development of a country. Without essential investment in human beginning, no country can accomplish property economic development. The literacy rate is one of the important index to measure the level of education. Its combination has a thoughtful impact on other important index of prosperity. Education always helps people to understand the difference between right and wrong and opens the doors to injustice. History shows that, Inability and inability in the field of education is one of the main reasons for conclusion. 

Literacy rate in Pakistan

 Literacy rate is the percent of people ages 15 and above who can both read and write with understanding a short simple content about their routine life

Major issue that facing in educational system

The issues lead to the understanding of the problems which are featured in the development of the education system and publicity of literacy. The study outlines six major problems protection the education system.

1.     Gender Gap

Major factors that back registration rates of girls include poorness, appreciation restraint, illiteracy of parents and progenitor concerns about safety and quality of their daughters. Society’s intensity on girl’s reserve, security and early marriages may limit family’s disposition to send them to school. Registration of rural girls is 45% lower than that of urban girls; while for boys the difference is 10% only, showing that gender gap is an alpha part.

2.     Lake of paper planning                                                                                                   

Pakistan is a individual to MDGs and EFA goals. However it look that it will not be able to attain these international sincerity because of financial management problems and restraint to achieve the MDGs and EFA destination.

3.     Highly cost education

The scheme cost is higher in private schools, but these are placed in richer place only. The contradiction is that private schools are improved but not everyplace and authorities schools guarantee equitable right but do not provide standard education.


4.      Funds for Education

Pakistan expend 2.4% GDP on education. At domestic level, 89% of education financial loss extort current disbursal such as teachers’ salaries, while only 11% comprises development income which is not enough to increase the standard of education.

5.     Technical Education

Enough attention has not been paid to the specialized and line of work education in Pakistan. The number of technical and vocational activity institutes is not enough and many are disadvantaged of structure, teachers and instrument for training. The population of a country is one of the main atmospheric condition of its national power. It can become an quality once it is skilled. Unskilled group of people means more unemployed people in the country, which affects the country development downly. Therefore, technical education needs high status management by the government.

6.     War on Terror

Pakistan’s conflict in war against terrorism also affected the publicity of literacy cause. The ungraceful targeted schools and students various educational institutions were settled up, teachers and students were killed in Baluchistan, KPK and FATA. This may have to donate not as much as other element, but this object an important factor.


The reforms needed in the education system of Pakistan cannot be done by the government only, public-private involvement and a mix of conventional as well as non-conventional education can force out majority of country's population from illiteracy.





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