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The Importance Of Knowledge For Women In Islam


The Importance Of Knowledge For Women In Islam






Islam has made education very important for women. Hazrat Mohammad (PBUH) has said that it is obligatory on a woman to die after acquiring knowledge

Is. According to some traditions, girls used to come to Neelam and you used to spend some of your precious time teaching her.

Our religion also started with knowledge. In Ghar-e-Hara, the Holy Prophet (PBUH) came to know the Qur'an and knowledge was also given through China. Some in the time of Hazrat Akram Shaheer

The women used to ask the officers about their religious issues. He himself used to teach women the knowledge of Qur'an and Hadith. You Saleem said about women's education:

"Anyone who educates one or more daughters and raises them well will stay away from the fires of Hell.


1.    The Mother's Lap Is The Child's First School:

2.    Very Important For The Mother To Be Literate:

3.    Teaching:

4.    Medical Education:

5.    Domestic responsibilities:


1. The Mother's Lap Is The Child's First School:


The baby in the mother's lap, although very small and innocent, but his personality begins to mold in this lap. He does small things. Explains its meaning and understands its meaning. If the parents become educated, she will carve out her thoughts on her innocent and pure destination. She will explain to her children one reason and she will try to make them good human beings. Some people say that Al-Araf teaches a man in education while teaching a woman

The whole family has to be educated. Similarly, Newman had said, "Give me good mothers, I will give you this nation."

Before Islam, there was ignorance and many evils among the Arab people. One of the evils was that people used to bury their daughters alive in the ground. Ignorance died when God sent the Holy Name of the Holy Prophet. The faces of the Maya of humanity opened with joy. You media gave the girls their right or they insisted on teaching and writing and their own upbringing.



2. Very Important For The Mother To Be Literate:


They all say that the child learns a lot from the home environment, for which the father and the father must be educated. Just think

The father has to stay away from home for work or business. The children stay at home all day with their ex-father. Now if the mother is adorned with the ornament of knowledge, then the children will surely get pearls of knowledge from their father. Even if the children do not get help from their parents in their studies, the fragrance of knowledge will continue to come from the parents. On the first day, the child holds a morsel of bread in his left hand, then the mother immediately tells him to hold the morsel in his right hand. Educated mothers give their children a clean environment. They know that if the children were trained by taking pains today, then tomorrow they would be like wine plants.

The whole society and the whole country will benefit from the shadow and light.

 As the baby begins to walk on its own feet, the mother begins to pay more attention to her baby. An educated mother knows that her child learns a lot from her environment. He knows that there are children playing in the street who deserve the attention of mothers but mothers do not stop these children from playing and jumping in the street because of their illiteracy. Educated mothers keep their children away from blood. Children feel that they are far away from their peers

Play with the children but the mother's name protects the children from such filthy environments.

In the age of science and pottery, it is even more inevitable for women to be exposed to the public.

Is . If Father Van reads, what does he know?

Tab raya hai. Movies that are shown today in the name of entertainment

They keep the children away from them and bring home books about them


3. Teaching:


Teaching is a profession that suits the mood of women. This is one of the occupations that women live in and separate from men

Can educate the daughters of an isolated country and nation. The basic premise is that women are self-educated.


4. Medical Education:


God has made woman a delicate gender. This mother has made a statement of love and sincerity for her father, son, brother and husband. This is the nature of Hindu woman, compassion and free woman. Therefore, if a woman studies medicine, a man cannot be her equal in the Messiah. Rejection of Islam on the screen Women can cure this woman.


5. Domestic responsibilities:


A woman's home may make life fruitful both heaven and hell. If the housewife is deaf to you, she will do the cooking, sight, feeding and other things neatly.

While an educated woman will be able to fulfill her responsibilities with politeness and skill. If a woman studies mathematics and economics

If he doesn't understand at all, his house will be ruined. If Kamani becomes 19, she will spend 20. That's how his house system is

It will get worse due to ignorance.

Educating women as a whole is very important in today's world. An educated woman knows the difference between good and bad. So this is it

It is the responsibility of the parents to adorn their daughters with the ornaments of education so that our future is a vision of progress and development. On your own this society and rapper

To be able to walk


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